Our Unique Hair Analysis

TrichAnalytics Inc. is unlike any other analytical laboratory in the world. Our internationally accredited facility is a state-of-the-art laboratory with a custom-made laser ablation module paired with an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS). Our specialty is using a microscopic laser to quantify elemental/metal concentrations in biological tissues, particularly hair and nails. Our microscopic laser ablates tiny volumes of tissue, thus promoting less invasive and non-lethal sampling techniques typically required for metal analysis. With our unique CALA accredited methods, we provide incredible spatial and temporal detail in metal exposure and nutritional health that has not been previously possible through conventional bulk tissue analysis.

hair laser ablation

To the left is a photo of a single hair being analyzed by laser ablation (notice the crater along the strand). We do other types of analysis with the hairs as well, using chemistry to help with various applications, depending on the questions or goals of the analysis. Some of the applications for hair analysis currently include:

  • Potential nutrient deficiencies
  • Heavy metal exposure (e.g., mercury, arsenic)
  • Nutritional balance
  • Hair thickness
  • Cuticle thickness
  • Follicular parameters
  • Sebaceous gland activity
  • Contaminants present in your environment (e.g., lead pipes)
  • Forensics – timing of deficiencies and metal exposure
  • Hair damage, loss of cuticle